cute is Brody??? He is only 2, but was loving the camera and posing in his own little way. Look at the one where he's on the rock...he placed his little hands there all by himself! He was sooo cute!
We just got back from visiting my sister, it was so much fun and nice to step out of our normal routine. I got to take some pics of her family and these are my favorites--aren't they such a cute family?
Here a are few pictures of Bella who was only 8 days old. She was sooo active! She wouldn't even sleep for the first half of the pictures, but once she did, we got some really cute ones! I have a couple favorites, but I'm not going to post them just in case her mom and dad want to use them for her birth announcements! She's beautiful!
I took some pictures of Crew as part of an assignment for my photo class. I just love this one, the more I look at it, the more I love it. It's so "Crew." His little smile melts my heart! He is so good natured and easy going. We lucked out with this kid! I can't get enough of him!
Ok, here is a collage of Hazel. I was having fun playing around with the other pics, but they didn't show Hazel's eyes and how blue they are. you can see them:) Isn't she so cute!?!?
I love Ty!! He turned 3 and suddenly became sooo bossy! It's hilarious, he loves to tell us what to do! BUT....he also became very interested in having his picture taken! I'm loving it! We went the first 3 years of his life struggling to get him to look at the camera, now HE asks ME to take his picture!!! Dream come true!
Here is my little sister. Isn't she the cutest little pregnant girl ever? She is about 7 months pregnant with her second girl. Doesn't she look great! She was a good sport with these pictures and I really like how they turned out!
I love my baby!!! He had the giggles sooo bad during this shoot. There's something about being naked that he just loves!!! He is so fun and I can't get enough of him!